School and University placement

Choosing the right school and the right university are paramount to the development and future of each child and student. It’s essential to make an informed decision and we can offer independent advice to help you make such an important decision. Whether you live in the UK or abroad we can help bridge the knowledge gap to achieve the best results for your child. We have a working knowledge of schools and universities in London and nationally. Where possible we pass you onto specialists who can give you even greater insight so you feel able to make the best decision possible.
Once you have chosen the right school or university, it is equally important to set about choosing the right subjects for the future. These decisions start at the age of fourteen, when a student chooses their GCSEs. It is essential to keep as many doors open at this early stage.

We offer great insight during the important time of UCAS applications in the sixth form of UK schools. Many schools are good at preparing their students for their university studies, but occasionally university applications are sidelined by the overpowering demands of A-level coursework and examinations. Students can feel out of their depth and under-prepared, when making arguably the most important academic decision of their lives. This is an area we can offer a wealth of advice, to ensure that a student has made an informed decision about what and where he or she would most like to study and why. This will form the basis of an independent future, and it is paramount that a student feels confident with the decision, he or she, has made at such an important time.

Please contact the office on020 3384 6338 or by email for further details.