Tuition for 11+, 13+, CE & Scholarship

We have a wealth of tutors who are experienced in this field and who have an excellent track record in preparation for 11+ and 13+ exams. Each individual senior school is looking for a bright spark in both common entrance and scholarship exams to seek out the potential of future students. This is a time for each child to give an examiner a glimpse of why they are so unique in their thinking.

Some children at this age can feel left behind at school, or lacking in confidence with the format of the common entrance and scholarship exams. There is a lot of pressure to shine during this time, and rigorous competition at school can leave children feeling deflated, and sometimes doubting their ability. Our English and Maths tutors are particularly busy in the lead up to these exams 6 -9 months in advance of the exams. Our 11+ and 13+ tutors encourage the independent thinking and analysis, which is so important in the eyes of the examiner, to ensure each child is able to convey their character and potential.

Our tutors help on an hourly, daily and residential basis.

Please contact the office on 020 3384 6338 or by email for further details.