Tuition for Degree

If you are at university please feel free to call us to have a chat about ways in which we can support you. We can arrange a private tutor in a specific subject area, or offer you support in other ways; time-management, essay writing skills, critical thinking and exam technique.

At university you are expected to manage your own time, your own studies and your own progression from day one. This can be a challenge and a steep-learning curve for a young person. The structure of school is a distant memory and your are expected to take your future in your hands to make the most of every opportunity which comes your way.

From proof-reading, masters advice, internship applications and careers advice after university.

If you are about to start a masters or MBA and need a private tutor to brush-up on a range of skills you have not used before, or not used for a while, we are here to help.

Please contact the office on 020 3384 6338 or by email for further details.