We offer tutoring in all subject areas for A-Level and our tutors use past paper materials for all the exam boards. Our tutors are all specialists in their subject areas and usually have the minimum of a degree in their subject area. All A-Level students are striving towards an end goal. Normally this means achieving a set of grades which will allow them to fulfil a dream of attending their first choice of university. Alternatively, it could mean a step closer to attending drama school or beginning an apprentice or internship. The A-level course is often recognised as a stepping stone towards adulthood and independence. It can open doors, and for this reason it is not surprising that this 2 year course can be a rollercoaster of challenges, as each student begins to become a specialist in all of their chosen subjects.
Our tutors are at hand to provide insight, offer guidance and initiate thought and discussions. Our one-to-one tuition with a tutor offers an environment to develop arguments, question and analyse in depth. Our tutors help with problem areas, revision, coursework and exam technique.
Our tutors help on an hourly, daily and residential basis. We offer revision course and university preparation courses over the Easter and penultimate A-Level summer holidays in London and Oxford. Please contact the office for further details.
Please contact the office on020 3384 6338 or by email for further details.